Monday, February 05, 2007

The Palestinian Butcher at Work

By Nadav Ha'etzni
Ma'ariv (Saturday supplement) 02.02,2007,

Even if one took a magnifying glass to the international media reports one would fail to find any mention of the horrors going right here and, before our very eyes. Leading Israeli journalists travel to Africa to document the atrocities of genocide and child abuse. Drama unfolds when a Palestinian girl is accidentally killed by IDF fire (cool it, Nadav, she may have been killed by a stone thrown by Palestinian demonstrators) but nobody bothers to report the bloodcurdling carnage taking place right here and now, in Gaza and the West Bank.
In order to fill in the gaps, this is what has been going on in Gaza during the past few weeks: Palestinians gunmen wake up sleeping Palestinian children when there are no armed rivals or rescuers around, and kill them in their beds. Or riddle schoolchildren with bullets as they make their way to or from school. They also strip the rival faction women of their clothes and march them naked through the streets. They stop ambulances and slaughter the sick and the wounded if they belong to the rival faction. In the Shifa Hospital they disconnect the medical equipment necessary to treat injured opponents. Fierce gunfighting is raging in the hallways. A Hamas clinic was blown up by Fatah. Last week, armed Fatah men broke into a Jebalya mosque and started spraying everyone with bullets. As a result, 14 worshippers were wounded. Several of them died of their wounds. Unlike the shooting of Moslem worshippers several years ago in the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron by a Jewish settler, the Gaza mosque bloodbath passed largely unnoticed. Why should anyone bother? Arabs killing one another are not newsworthy.
Fatah gunmen accompanied by journalists are patrolling Shchem, in search for Hamas loyalists. While queuing up at the bank, they found Fayed al-Akbar, a Hamas local council member , attacked and abducted him while the cameras were running. In a nearby village, they shot an Al-Najah University woman lecturer in the legs, because of her open support for Hamas. In Hebron they shoot at each other every night. Murder, abduction and torture have become the daily routine in Samaria.
When some horror eventually makes the headlines, it is usually associated with Hamas. The media were quick to report the destruction of a holiday village owned by Dahlan – the Americans' darling. Dahlan himself, tucked away in an armored vehicle convoy, is touring Gaza and pouring millions of US aid into the slaughter. The Fatah pogrom perpetrators seem to have the upper hand.
The fighting seems to be conducted by mercenaries on the payroll of murder contractors. Some of them, such as the Durmush clan, reported to have "bought" IDF Corporal Gilad Shalit and to be currently holding him, jump ship to serve the highest bidder. This modest blog has already mentioned that they occasionally snatch foreign journalists. Lately, some of them seem to be carrying out executions for Fatah, having deserted Hamas ranks for a fistful of US dollars.
So why isn't the media reporting any of these? Where are Channel Two's Arab reporters? Where are the self-righteous correspondents from Ha'aretz? Where's the CNN and its competitors? Where is the UN? Where are Yossi Beilin and Uri Avneri? (I might also ask where are the vociferous Arab MK's: Ahmad Tibi, Bishara, Barakeh and the rest of the fifth column ? or should I say filth column?) By the way, has Be'Tselem buried its head in the sand? A long time ago Itzhak Rabin argued that the Palestinians would annihilate terrorism without the assistance of our Supreme Court and Be'Tselem. Instead, terror is on the rise, but guess what, Be'Tselem (Israeli Human Rights Watch) is unavailable at the moment (most likely in search of some Israeli settlers abusing a Palestinian olive tree).
This slaughter spree is being financed by several nations. One side receives direct aid from Bush and Olmert, while its enemy is being backed by Iran and Syria. Only this week the US administration has poured US $ 86 million into the pockets of Fatah murderers. We have also contributed US $ 100 million to keep Abu-Mazen's Fatah squads butchering children and wounded Hamas gunmen, and acquiring more weapons and ammo, as if they did not have enough already. The arsenal on both sides is quite remarkable, and not only in post-disengagement Gaza, where any arms dealer can sell almost anything. In the West Bank, five minutes away from Kfar-Saba and Jerusalem, arms are being amassed in unprecedented quantities. About 2,000 Hamas terrorists have marched through the streets of Qalqilyiah, in full combat gear and armed to the teeth. Last week the good ole Fatah boys rallied in Ramallah to celebrate Fatah' 42nd anniversary with and unprecedented display of weapons.
Now the Egyptians have come up with the grand idea of a creating a Palestinian army. Soon we will be contributing a tank regiment and an air force wing to stregthen Abu-Mazen's Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades.
Why, the reader may ask, do we support Abu-Mazen little pogromists? Why, because they are on "our side". Even though this week they succeeded in blowing up three innocent Jews in Eilat
(suicide bomber caught on surveillance camera here), they remain our mythological peace partner. Yet two weeks ago Abu-Mazen urged the Palestinian warring factions to bury their feud and resume killing Israelis . But why discard a wonderful concept just because reality slaps you in the face? The Palestianian butchers go on unabated, except that for a change, they are slaughtering one another. And the world remains silent.

Like I said, unless one is a victim of IDF (or US troops) "violence", one is not a legitimate victim.
As I was posting this, I heard a Gaza resident giving the next account on TV: People don't go outdoors for fear of getting caught in the crossfire. Roadblocks have been set up everywhere, some by Fatah, some by Hamas. They stop traffic and shoot at random. His neighbor's son was shot while riding his bicycle. The whole situation has gone out of control.
Zvika Yehezkieli, the charismatic Channel 10 Arab desk editor, reported that hell has broken loose in Gaza. Everybody is settling old scores (Mafia style blood vendettas). The death squads are acting on their own, i.e. they are not taking orders from their bosses anymore.
Yes, let them have their state, a persistent vegetative state...