Ben Dror Yemini
Ma'ariv, June 15, 2005
(Shabbath supplement)
Years of dehumanization have turned the Jews' very existence into a menace to world peace. Years of demonization have turned Israel's very existence into a menace to world peace. Avrum Burg dehumanizes, demonizes and comes to the fascist conclusion: no right to exist.
These types are readily found in the extreme right. One can tell them by certain peculiarities: they deeply despise everyone who is not like them; they totally deny the other's right to exist as a human being; they totally deny the other's right to self-determination; they also deny the other's national rights.
In order to justify their existence, fascists resort to that old trick: dehumanization. Thus, the Arabs in general, and the Palestinians in particular, are nothing but a bunch of animals. All of them, without exception. As such they have no right to self-determination or to a state of their own.
All of this is perfectly mirrored by the extreme left fascism. The two are identical twins. Everything the right-wing fascist says about Arabs, the left-wing fascist says about Israelis and/or Jews. Israelis and Jews are thus demonized and dehumanized and can be turned into Nazis, or quasi-Nazis, who no longer have the right to self-determination and a state of their own.
Reinforcement player
The left-wing fascist camp in Israel has been joined by a fresh player, Avrum Burg. He no longer is a post-Zionist, he is anti-Zionist now. He is in favor of a Palestinian state. Or perhaps two Palestinian states, as fascist standards are double standards. Whatever the side you support deserves must be denied the side you oppose. Don't let Burg fool you! The fact that he quotes Ehad Ha'am and George Steiner doesn't mean he is less of a fascist. In true fascist fashion, he misquotes Ehad Ha'am. And Steiner is several sizes too big for Burg, but one can see why he clings on to him.
Steiner, an important and creative thinker, defines himself as a citizen of the world, a Diaspora kind of Jew. In fact he is cosmopolitan and radical. His ideal Jew is the wandering Jew. His texts are his motherland. But despite his critique of Zionism, Steiner also justifies it. He comes close to blaming Jews for anti-Semitism. He may have even crossed the red line. Not that he has done anything. "Jews are guilty of innocence", he says, in order to explain, or perhaps justify anti-Semitism. Everything Steiner claims, not always with great success, is regurgitated by Burg in a miserably superficial manner.
It is not by chance that Burg chose Hitler for the title of his book. Steiner got there ahead of him: The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H. (A.H. being Adolf Hitler). The plot is not important here. Steiner's book concludes with Hitler's defense plea. The Nazi criminal miraculously turns accuser: "Did I declare the superiority of the Aryan race? It was the Jews who declared themselves the chosen race (ubermenschen). Did I invent genocide? You taught us how to destroy other peoples, the way you destroyed those you conquered in your Promised Land." Mind-boggling demagoguery. On the one hand, Steiner engages in an intellectual exercise. On the other hand, his text becomes anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist. Steiner tries to explain that Hitler's convincing argument, which remains unanswered, is a technique employed by Dostoyevsky as well. In fact, he even admitted that he doubts that there is an answer. His mind was probably made up.
Burg tries to plagiarize Steiner, but the results are disastrous. Steiner managed to link between Herzl and Bismarck's nationalism. Burg, the little imitator, claims that the Israeli nationalism equates pre-Nazism. The original is wrong, and the copy – a disgrace. Three years ago, Burg published an article justifying the Palestinian shaheeds and blaming the Israeli for the suicide bombings. One can look hard and still find no facts, no evidence of the Hitlerism taking root in our bosom. This is dehumanization at its most monstrous. It is fascism.
We honor Burg by comparing him to Steiner. Steiner is a man of controversy. He sometimes hesitates. He even admitted last year that anti-Zionism is a pretext for anti-Semitism. But there, he sprouted a wild weed that pretends to walk in his footsteps.
Humanism and its opposite
Decades of blood libel, brainwashing, dehumanization and demonization have created the Jew whose very existence threatens world peace. Decades of blood libel, brainwashing, dehumanization and demonization have created Israel whose very existence threatens world peace.
This is exactly what left-wing fascists do, those who call themselves anti-Zionists. That's exactly what the extreme Islam, such as Hamas, does. This how low Burg has sunk. He has dehumanized Israel: the Jewish State threatens world peace, and has come to the only logical conclusion – the State of Israel has no right to exist. Fascism is the opposite of humanism. If humanism is all about recognition of rights, fascism is all about the denial of rights. Burg, at the height of his gall, dares call himself a humanist.
A swamp of lies
Facts? What about them? Is there a grain of truth in the libels spewed by Burg & Co.? The world is currently witnessing terrible and horrible war crimes that have nothing do to with Zionism, Jews or Israel. One may, can and should criticize Israel. But one must also put things in perspective. Since most of the criticism directed at Israel targets "occupation", it might be a good time to tell the truth about this occupation. During the 40 years of Israeli occupation, less than six thousand Palestinians have been killed. The absolute majority died in war operations. Very few of the nearly six thousand can be defined as victims of "war crimes". Very few.
Every armed conflict in the world claims far greater numbers of victims and causes far greater suffering among civilians. In just one week of conflict, more Muslims were butchered in Srebrenica, Europe, that in the entire Arab-Israeli conflict. In just one week, more civilians are massacred in Congo than in the entire 40 years of occupation. In Saddam's heyday, every single month ten thousand individuals were murdered in Iraq, obviously more than in 40 years of occupation. The NATO air strikes campaign against Milosevic's rule in Serbia exacted many more innocent civilian victims, relatively, than the Israeli occupation.
There is no national conflict generating such a small number of casualties. And I am not claiming that all Israeli actions are clean. But examining the global scale of atrocities committed against mankind in the last century alone, if Hitler were top of the list, Israel would only make to the last occupants at the bottom of the list, perhaps even the last.
But let us not confuse Burg & Co. with facts and figures. They are holding fast to demonizing. Blood libels have always been the anti-Semites' lifeline, just as they are the lifeline of those who hate Israel. They just can't do without the defamation. Take e.g. a large scale ground operation in Gaza – most Israelis are against it, despite the Qassams. But Burg claims most Israelis are in favor. And by the way, most Israelis would be justified to such a large scale operation. But that is not the point. The point is that Burg is living in a swamp of lies. And he just can't do without those lies. Because that is the essence of fascism. That is how Kahanists think of Muslims. That is how Hamasniks think of Jews. This is how Burg thinks of Israelis.
The jeep has nothing to do with it
It is high time one put Burg back in his place. Him and his friends from the radical islamists, the neo-Nazi right and the radical left. Not because of his salary and not because of his jeep. Not even because of his superficiality – after all it is hard to find intellectual depth in a person who adopts Azmi Bishara's ideas, but because of his support for Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak. It is hard to define Burg's sort as "serious" when he chooses to live in Europe, but at the same time vehemently asserts that Sarkozy is a "threat to world peace". After all, Burg was supposed to be a Zionist, according to Nordau's definition of Zionism as an extension of European borders into the Middle East. Except Burg has no idea who he himself is. He is against Zionism because we have built a wall separating us from the East. He is anti-Zionist by virtue of his being European and cosmopolitan.
Burg must be put back in his place because he is a fascist, an anti-Zionist fascist. And if anybody wanted more proof that fascism and anti-Zionism go hand in hand with idiocy and meanness, with dehumanization and denying the very right to exist, there comes Burg to provide it. But please don't thank him; we didn't really need more proof.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
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