Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Who Is the Israeli Government Working for?

I have to congratulate the Israeli government for a job well-done. Today our democratically elected rulers managed to get together, overcome their differences and unleash 200 terrorists on us and the world at large. Some, not all undoubtedly, are hardened criminals, responsible for many deaths. In other countries, Jordan, e.g., they would have been executed a long time ago. Not in Israel, though. We are merciful: we keep them alive so they can be released and resume their activities.

I am glad that our honorable ministers have performed this additional "confidence-building" and "goodwill" gesture towards the moderate terrorists of the Palestinian Authority, who except giving us the finger in return, have not much else to do except instruct us and the rest of the world on a great variety of issues: here, here, here, here, here, and here. And there must be other examples, taking into account that these people have no country to rule and nothing to do except steal the aid money and undermine Israel.

It is common knowledge that Israel literally saved PA representatives by the skin of their teeth when Hamas conquered Gaza, and this is how they see fit to return the favor. Imagine de Gaulle in exile writing letters and encouraging the "world" to boycott or otherwise harm England. This may be twisted Arab logic, but it seems to work nicely on the twisted minds of our rulers. An old Romanian proverb says: "He whom you won't let die won't let you live."

I am glad, therefore, that our government has this important and significant Palestinian-appeasing step out of the way, as they might find some time and energy to engage in such insignificant activities as passing the budget. That is if they can take a few moments to separate themselves from one another's throats, and if they are not too busy evading police investigations, lining their pockets with money of dubious provenance, arranging Israeli citizenship for enemies of the state and generally running this country into the ground.

When they have done that, I suggest next time they consider releasing more convicted terrorists from our prisons, they send them where they are welcome: Italy or other coveted travel destinations. Alternatively, they may be offered as a goodwill gesture to Condi Rice or Tony Blair, who seem so enamoured of them. Mr. Blair is out to pasture soon to be joined by his colleague Ms. Rice, and this looks like a useful project to keep them from getting bored with life.

And while at it, throw their leaders, all those Abu's, into the bargain. Let us not forget that Abu-something is not just a nickname, it's a nomme de guerre, as Abu-Kuntar was so kind to let us know.

So I am left with this question: who on earth is the Israeli government working for?