The price of the Qassams
By Ben Caspit, Maariv, November 11, 2006

Last night, while Col. Yossi Galant, the Southern Command Chief, was being interviewed on Channel 2, a Qassam rocket landed next to the children's quarters in Kibbutz Kfar Gaza (South of Ashkelon). Yesterday morning, Rubhi Rantisi, a Hamas representative, was fuming in an interview on Army Radio: "Do you expect the Arabs to sit idly by?" No, dear Rubhi, we do not expect the Arabs to sit idly by now. We expected the Arabs to sit idly by in the wake of the Gaza pullout. When Israel displaced thousands of its citizens and turned them into refugees, having spent billions and hanging on the brink of civil war in order to perform a complete disengagement from Gaza, behind the international border, and abandoning even the Philadelphi Route. Yes, we were stupid enough to believe that at least now, at least in Gaza, you might sit idly for a while. Instead, we were rewarded with intensified barrages of "improved" Qassams, tons of explosives and Hamas takeover. While another Hamas top man, Ghazi Hamad, was bragging on the radio "Now we have to wipe Israel off the map".

Lovely, good morning, everyone. This was declared in the Hamas charter long before the Beit-Hanoun incident, Mr. Hamid. That is your Bible, that is your belief, that is what you have been trying to do ever since we left Gaza, ever since Ariel Sharon's "pilot", reciprocated by tens of tunnels packed with ammunition and IED (improvised explosive devices). Ghazi Hamad was followed by an Israeli commentator who announced that "Now, following this tragic event, the Israeli-hatred in Gaza is sky-rocketing." Oh, dear!" What exactly was there in Gaza BEFORE this tragic event? Was Gaza overflowing with burning love for Zionists and Jews? These are the people whom we left alone over a year ago, we "got out of their hair", set them free. They could have created a model of rehabilitation, co-existence, peace. If only they had invested one hundredth of their murderous energy into giving the refugee camps a facelift. A tenth of the money they invest in terror could have gone into setting up new residential neighborhoods. They could have shown the whole world – look, Israel is out, has retreated beyond its international border, we have reached a solution and we can live in peace. They could have justifeid our retreat from the West Bank as well.

Instead, they charged us with rabid terror. They are not attacking the 1967 borders, they want the 1948 borders. They do not challenge the occupation; they do not struggle against the oppression. They want to completely uproot us from here; they want to wipe us off the face of the earth. But guess what, we are not that eager to let that happen.

On the eve of the Beit-Hanoun incident I saw Slieman Al-Shafee (the energetic channel 2 correspondent) interviewing an Islamic Jihad activist who was bragging in front of the cameras that they had developed a new rocket, one that was presently going to land in Sderot's commercial center or next to the children's dorm in Kfar Gaza (if not on top of it actually). I hear someone say – "let's talk to them, let's resume negotiations". But then one grasps the horror, the madness, the hatred, and one asks oneself – what is there to talk about? Ending the occupation in Gaza, perhaps? Shall we offer to retreat and allow them to rebuild their lives, let the spirits chill, separate the demons? But then we remember that we've done that already.

We're out of Gaza. We've retreated. We've negotiated. But it didn't do any good. They are still firing rockets, they are still snatching soldiers in cross-border (international border) attacks. And they are still hiding behind their women and children. But this equation has to be broken. Just as everybody over in Lebanon knows that whoever piles up rockets in their homes might actually get hit by a missile or a shell, so must every Arab mom in Gaza face the reality that she cannot sleep safely at night anywhere in Gaza if the Sderot children cannot sleep safely at night. Whence rockets are launched, shells will fall. Following the disengagement about one thousand Qassam rockets have been fired at us. Which is why we must brace ourselves and carry on. All they have to do, if they want their peace and quiet, is to stop the rockets. Until then there will be no peace and quiet for them, and such mishaps are bound to recur. Yesterday, someone by the name of Rafi Eitan managed to squeeze in among the radio updates pouring in from Beit-Hanoun, and recounted the story of how he captured Eichmann 46 years ago. It appears that Eichmanns don’t die, they reincarnate and need to be recaptured.
I translated this article from Hebrew for the benefit of my non-Hebrew speaking friends who pop in every now and then, because I think it illustrates perfectly what most Israelis feel and think nowadays. However sorry we may be for the loss of life in Beit-Hanoun (which was accidental, although there are serious allegations of foul-play, no wonder the Arabs themselves call it Qana, and therefore I shall address it separately), we must never forget our own victims, who were targeted on purpose:
This is where little Afik Zahavi-Ohaion (below, with his mother, Ruthie) was killed on his way to his kindergarten.

And the latest Palestinian craze is that the Jews have no legal claim to Jerusalem or to the Land of Israel. I wonder where they (and also their supporters in Europe, America and Canada) learnt their history and why they think the Romans, having taken Jerusalem and ransacked Herod's Temple (in the year 70 AD), first called the province Judea Capta and even minted coins with that inscription. The term Palestina was given 65 years later, as token of ultimate humiliation and insult to the Jews who were constantly challenging Roman authority. It couldn't be that the Arabs were calling themselves Israelites, Jews or anything like that back then, and then suddenly, such as e.g. when Islam was invented in the 7th century AD, decided to call themselves something else, such as Arabs, and Palestinians even later, perhaps in the 1960's. And how the world cheers for them...
It has just struck me that the Palestinians claim to be descendants of those ancient Philistines. Perhaps. Interesting to note, though, that those ancient Philistines were not semitic, whereas Jews and Arabs are very much descendants of Noah's sons...
Thanks for popping in.Yours is the first real comment I get, and comming from a fellow "critter"... well, I am equally honored and delighted.
The way I see it, if we gotta to go, go we will, but perhaps with a bang, not with a whimper, if you know what I mean.
I must confess, however, that there are signs humankind is waking up to the Islamofascist danger. Next time you're here, please live a link, because I can't locate your blog.
Stay safe, buddy!
It would be impossible for me to try and imagine what it would be like to live in an area where rockets could fall without warning. My mind simply will not grapple with such an incredible concept.
When I watch the international news - each night without fail - the sadness and frustration deepens. The sheer level of hatred is beyond my comprehension. I cannot imagine a society that actively encourages its people to strap explosives to themselves. I cannot.
I understand completely the yearning to be "free" and to stand on ones own land, without fear and in peace. I hear this from all sides - at least I hear what makes it into the press. The level of sheer violence is such that most of us who are not subjected to it simply can't accept that it's true, and the general population turns away.
If there were something that could be done, what would it be? How can we here do something - anything - for anyone there? We have soldiers dying in Afghanistan too - we are trying in our limited way to help - if what we're doing is helping. There is no clear, achievable objective, my friend.
I only spoke out because I believe that Israel has the capability to determine whether or not a target is a "valid" military target, and not one such as Beit turned out to be.
I wish you and yours all the best, and I wish the same for all who are enduring this unfortunate, terrible crisis.
Thank you, dear anonymous, for taking an interest. I understand your concern. And please do not forget that I haven't mentioned the suicide bombings and the shooting at passing cars.
What you can do? I can't tell you that. The facts are laid out for all to see and make up their own minds. What I can tell you is that we, in Israel, deeply feel for every US, UK, Canadian, Romanian, Indian, you name it, soldier lost in Afghanistan, Iraq, or elsewhere. We DO understand what fighting terrorism is, and we grieve for each and every one of them. We understand and appreciate their sacrifice:
Although this clip is dedicated to American and Israeli troops, I take it as a tribute to all brave soldiers facing snipers and ambushes and roadside explosive devices and suicide bombers, and paying with life and limb for protecting and defending our freedom, liberty and lives. Because this is truly a war against those dark forces acting to destroy democracies and civilization, at least in my book it is.
What I can also tell you is that Beit Hanoun has been a terrorist den for a long time, and that particular house, just as the house in Qana, has not been targeted on purpose. Do you really believe that the IDF with its sophisticated devices cannot spot terrorists out in the open, yet is able to single out a house where women and children are sleeping? And shell it on purpose?
Stay safe!
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