Monday, March 05, 2007

4,000 rockets or so

You weren't really supposed to see these pictures, although they were published by the MSM, not on the front pages though. As a friend of mine from Europe said - "We only care about what happens to civilians," (English translation - what you war criminal Zionists do to innocent Lebanese or Palestinians, as per case). Well, I guess that makes Israel a huge military compound, devoid of civilians and civilian infrastructures. I never thought trees and forests were part of the military. Lucky me, I get to learn something new every day, grace a la presse and my fully indoctrinated European "friends".

The 5000 rockets that landed in Israel during just 34 days in the summer of 2006 caused terrible damage: they killed and maimed, damaged homes, roads, industries and animal farms, disrupted the life in Northern Israel, displaced several hundred thousand people, while over 1 million civilians had to spend the better part of the summer in bomb shelters. The forests in Northern Israel were not spared. These forests did not occur naturally. They were painstakingly planted, sapling by sapling, and carefully tended by The Jewish National Fund and volunteers. Even when the fires were put out, the soil kept on smouldering. It appears that these once beautiful forests will take 50 years to recover. Due to the daily rocket barrages firefighter brigades from all over Israel concentrated in the North in order to help the local firefighters. New York firefighters volunteered to serve in the Jerusalem area in their place. Heartfelt thanks, guys. We love you.

1 comment:

TonyGuitar said...

Forests are a natural sponge that contributes to the water table.

Fresh water, [ in short supply here], is essential for food crops and those that cultivate them.

So this is a case of farmworkers cutting off the water table they rely on for both employment and food supply.

Self defeating stupidity of the highest order. When hate gets to this stage it becomes blind madness.= TG