Sunday, June 03, 2007


By Ben-Dror Yemini
Ma'ariv, May 31, 2007

The British academics know the truth. At least they should. They know that in Chechnya, e.g., Putin's Russian army whacked Muslims in the tens, if not hundreds of thousands in order to regain control of the rebellious region. They know that there can be no comparison between the Russian army and the IDF in terms in humaneness. They also know that in Srebrenica, in the heart of Europe, more Muslims were massacred in just one week than have been killed in of 40 years of Israeli occupation. They also know that British troops who control Basra, southern Iraq, as well as US troops controlling Baghdad and other areas in Iraq, treat the locals more brutally than the IDF troops treats Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank. They know that the Syrian regime is brutally oppressing its Kurdish minority and jails each and every intellectual who dares speak out against the regime. Still the British academics never call to boycott Russia, Britain, the USA or Syria – and this is just a sample of the potential list. No, they decide to single out Israel.
Why? How is it that the Jews, - no, sorry, citizens of the Jewish collective – are once again singled out for boycott, despite the fact that they have committed no crimes against humanity, neither 78 years ago, nor now, if we take into consideration what the rest of the states on this planet do, among them Britain itself, versus Israel's actions in the territories. Why? Why are witnessing once again these repeated condemnations that are both bewildering and annoying? Why is there a different and unique standard for Israel, unless it is a racist standard, in order to ostracize us from the rest of the world?
No, it's not the morality. No-one is foolish enough to think that the Brits' morality glands are secreting overtime. Hypocrisy and morality don't mix. Boycotting Israel instead of Russia or Syria is taking British hypocrisy, not British morality, to new records. If only human rights and human lives were what the Brits were all about, then they would have invested much more effort and energy into the Darfur situation instead of Gaza and the West Bank.
It is quite unbelievable, but the answer is oil. A conflict in this part of the world threatens the oil market stability. And thus, the British lecturers foolishly believe that scapegoating Israel will appease the Islamic threat. And so they grovel at the feet of those who control world petroleum. They would never boycott women's oppression in Saudi Arabia that is much more severe than the oppression of Palestinians. They would never boycott any other miserable oil-producing Islamic dictatorships. Why, they wouldn't dare.
True, the main reason is brainwashing. The TV screen is showing the Brits, and not only them, many more images from Beit Hanoun in Gaza than from Chechnya or Darfur. What more can one say about Darfur? Muslim Arabs are massacring Muslim blacks, and I mean genocide. Hundreds of thousands are dead, while millions have become refugees. But that is perfectly alright since British academic hypocrisy does not react to anything that does not emanate from a TV screen. And TV screens show only what is easy to attack, not what needs to be attacked.
The good news is we can keep things in perspective. Two weeks ago I attended some lectures during the "Apartheid Week" that actually called for the destruction of the State of Israel. Water-well poisoners such as Itzhak Lior and Eyal Sivan, Israelis who loathe the Jews' right to a state of their own, were also there. But, lo and behold, the lecture halls were almost empty. Attending were mostly Palestinian students, a few Israel-hating Jewish activists and a marginal gathering of radicals from the sleep-walking leftist fringe.
The majority of Brits know that occupied Palestine is not the problem. The problem is Londonistan which is being conquered by Islamists who are not ashamed to declare loud and clear their intention to hoist the green banner over London. That is why the lecturers' decision in favor of boycott points to the decline and decay of their academia. I wish I could say that were the case over there, but the disease is here as well.
Read in Hebrew (
And for a better idea of what the British elite thinks about us, read here.

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