Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New Toys for British Army in Iraq and Lessons in Ethics

Israeli Drones over Iraq
Felix Frish
Ma'ariv June 6, 2007

While the British academia (cacademia) is pushing for a boycott of Israeli goods, Her Majesty's Army is purchasing Israeli drones.

One day after PM Blair's attempt to reassure his Israeli counterpart by opposing the academic boycott, the British Army signals its willingness to cooperate with Elbit Systems and places an important 110 million USD order for Hermes 405 drones to be used in Iraq operations.

These UAV's are also being employed by the IAF and according to foreign military analysts, they have the capability to launch missiles against different targets. According to Elbit Systems, its British subsidiary, Tacs-U will be in charge of the production along with French Thales. According to the contract, British ground crews will also be trained to use this sophisticated tool. Yossi Ackerman, President and Director General of Elbit: "The Hermes 405 has gained worldwide recognition among UAV users."

And now for something that really blew my mind: British army officers travel to Israel to learn about training the next generation of officers and military ethics . Once again: while the British academia calls for boycott, British and Israeli military come closer.

A large international delegation consisting of Army officers from the UK, US, Germany, Finland and other countries, attended a congress on military ethics organized by the Center of Ethics in Jerusalem and learned from Israeli officers how to instill the military ethics principles into younger generations of officers. The delegations also visited the dividing wall.

(adapted from Felix Frish and Yuval Lidor, Ma'ariv June 8, 2007)

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